Update on Grant Activities

Analysis Of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives and Property Maps featured image

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Analysis Of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Analysis Of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Bellwood has applied for a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for a site at 4901 St. Charles Rd. The RLF would fund remediation of the site prior to the construction of two single family homes. Public comments can be submitted to Jessica.Schumacher@CookCountyil.gov.

What is a Brownfield? Brownfields are abandoned or under-used industrial and commercial properties with actual or perceived contamination. Redevelopment or reuse of brownfields can be complicated by the presence or potential presence of contaminants. However, cleanup and reuse/redevelopment of brownfields can lead to multiple economic benefits and other opportunities such as job training, open space and floodwater retention.



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