Michael Sabel
(708) 547-3500 Ext. 1702
Fax: (708) 544-2290
The mission of the Bellwood Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM) is: to prepare, protect and assist the citizens of the Village of Bellwood through planning, prevention, training, mitigation, response and recovery to all hazards, natural or man-made; and to enhance the safety and security of Bellwood by working to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to and recover from all incidents, through a whole community, all hazards approach.
DHSEM is a public safety agency alongside the village’s Police and Fire departments. DHSEM is dedicated to preparing for, responding to and recovering from major emergencies and disasters. The DHSEM chief coordinates with department heads and village officials with training and education on disaster response, planning and exercising to test ourselves before an emergency event.
One of DHSEM’s responsibilities is to educate the public with preparedness training so people will know what they can do to help themselves before, during and after a disaster strikes. Residents are encouraged to become more involved with our preparedness efforts by getting directly involved as a volunteer Emergency Response Team member.
Emergency Response Team officers supplement the Police and Fire departments with auxiliary personnel and equipment when called to assist with an emergency situation. For more information on volunteering, contact us at (708) 547-3522. Visit https://www.ready.gov for preparedness information.
Michael Sabel
(708) 547-3500 Ext. 1702
- 900AM - 500PM
- 900AM - 500PM
- Closed
@bellwooddhs or http://twitter.com/bellwooddhs
#bellwooddhs or http://instagram.com/bellwooddhs
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